Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Vacation- The time when time flies.

The time when there are a hundred things on the to-do list. The things that remain there.
The time when you want to do everything ‘tomorrow’. Sadly, ‘tomorrow’ does come, but only on the day that the vacation ends.
The time which leaves you with lots of memories and a certain amount of guilt. Important things become boring and trivial, unimportant things consume your time.
Vacation – the time which sometimes can be boring, yet comfortable in a certain mind-numbing way.
The time you start thinking about, almost a week before it begins.
The time when the mind’s bursting with a plethora of emotions- happy languidness, smug vagueness, impatient eagerness, a certain restlessness…

And one day it’s over.
Like it didn’t happen at all. Perhaps stowed away in some obscure part of the brain or a random note in a diary.

But the best thing about vacation time -->there’s always a next time!.